Monday, July 6, 2009

Thinking about not making music anymore????

I see this question all over the internet in almost every music forum I visit. Music producers or Artist on the verge of giving up music, and getting rid of all or their music equipment. So I wanted to address it.

may do some rambling, so before you go any further, the answer is NO! You shouldn’t stop making music.

I believe many music makers ( Artist and Producers) get frustrated because what they see on TV and read in magazines isn’t happening for them yet. But in reality, everything happens differently for everyone. Your experience can be harder or easier. It’s all about how you handle those situations. If you allow the rejection of one label, artist, manager, etc, to stop you from pursing your dreams. Then the dream may have not been that important in the first place.

If you have been working hard for years, and still haven’t got to where you want to be. I would personally focus on why you got into music in the first place. For me, music is a way of life. It’s involved in almost every part of my day. From driving to work, to helping me get through the work day, driving back home, then some how involved in the TV shows and movies I watch at home. It’s everywhere. How could you not want to be involved with it?

Things you should consider before quitting music:

Are you in music for fame, or creativity?

If you’re in it for the fame. What is your definition of fame? Is it being seen by millions of partially supportive fans? Or having a small community of diehard fans who believe in you and think you are making a difference? If it’s for creativity, then good. It’s nothing like creative expression. If your frustrated because you’re not being heard the way you want. Then look for new ways to get heard and put your name out there.

Helpful Articles

8 Tips for Getting Your Music Heard (For Free)

How To Self Promote Your Music

How to Build your Band’s Fan Base

5 Tips to Promote Your Music Web site or Myspace Page

Chris Blackwell on How to Build Your Fan Base

Is your job your life purpose?

I’ll be damned if my life purpose is to only work a 9 to 5 job. I need more, I believe I’m destined for greatness. I don’t know in what, but I’m going to work my butt off until I get there. And if you don’t have a bigger plan. Keep music as a hobby to bring balance to your life. Work alone as your full time focus can make you nuts. Make sure you stay balanced by having hobbies in your life that make you happy.

Can you live with giving up?

Life with regrets is a unhappy one. Try to live life to the best of your ability and know you gave your all in everything you do. So you’re not 65 and say “I could have been a good producer or artist. I think?”

Have you exhausted all possibilities?

I know many people who want something in life. But aren’t putting in the needed work to get to where they want to be. Have you tried everything that you possibly can to succeed? I’m sure you haven’t. Because there are many different ways to do something. Find those new ways and do them, and give your all.

Side Note: A big part of the music industry is about who you know. So network more, and find to people who can open doors for you. This is related to exhausting all possibilities, because you should be finding ways to get your name out there to people, and if you are good at something. Odds are, people will support you.

So in closing. There are tons of stories out there of people trying to be a actors for years before they get their break. Business after business after business failing before it finally succeeds. And the story goes on. You will not have success without failure. Just keep working, and don’t give up. Keep
hope alive!